Avatar Survey for Jake Robinson Avatar Survey Thanks for helping me gather data to discern my perfect Avatar! Thanks for your help... here is what to expectFirst, you can fill this survey out anonymously - however, I will give you the opportunity to give your name if you're ok with me knowing - If it's okay, I could then follow up in messenger and maybe clarify how your answers can help me further my research. I promise it will be confidential between you and me. Any info you enter on this survey is strictly confidential and will not be shared. published and disseminated in any form. This is strictly for my ability to learn in real-time what may be important as I develop my perfect avatar. I will also ask for demographic info in order to see if it matches up with my perceived target audience. I will ask for age, occupation, marital status and whether you have kids. If you're employed, own a home and stuff like that... Of course, you aren't obligated to answer any question you don't want to... and you're welcome to ping me to ask why I want to know and maybe when you find out you might be okay to fill in the missing info... or not... ;>) I really appreciate any contribution you make in this non-scientific approach! Thanks and Cheers! Jake Robinson jakerobinsonrvp@gmail.comName (remember - it's your choice...) First Last Email AgeMarital StatusSingleMarriedPartner but not marriedDivorcedWidow/widowerEngagedSerious Relationship (but not married/living togetherDo You Have Kids at Home? - Ages please (or grown kids)HousingRentingHome OwnerStaying with relative/friendRenting - sharing an apartment (not a spouse/partner/significant other)Financial Products or Tools You own/use Personal Bank Account Mortgage Home Owners Insurance Personal Life Insurance Policy Health Insurance Disability Insurance Critical Care/ Long Term Care Investment account - I select shares and buy & sell Investment account - I use an investment advisor - They select the investment Car Insurance Alternative Investments (options, Forex, Crypto Currencies, Private companies) Credit Cards/Store Cards Bank Loans Car Loans Other Consumer Loans (furniture, household goods, Check Advance services) Something else I didn't think of... (add it to next box) Other Financial Product I forgot in question above!Please enter it here...When I was growing up, the thing I remember most about money was...Fill in the blankMaking more money makes me feel...When/if I come up short on money I normally think/respond this way...If I had only learned (fill in the blank) about money... I would have (fill in the blank)The worst thing about money is...The best thing about money is...If you don't use a financial advisor... why or why not?If you don't use a Financial Advisor what do you imagine happens when you do?What I expect from a Financial Advisor...When I eventually started earning money, I found iteasy to manage - I was taught by someone who help me with my moneyI had no clue - I am still trying to figure out what I should doI pay my bills and life is ok, but I don't feel like I'm getting ahead financiallyI am on track financially, I have a clear cut investment plan and I have implemented many financial products as I find a needI can't seem to get ahead even though I make decent money - I have accumulated debt and feel the stress from itI have some other situation (fill in the next text box with your story)Choose the most appropriate choiceThe previous question didn't really have the right answer - here is my situation...fill in the blankMy biggest worry or concern about money is...Fill in the blankThe best idea about money I have learned and use is....Fill in the blankWhen money is brought up in conversation...I clam up - it's none of your businessI clam up - I'm embarrassed about my lack on knowledgeI clam up - I'm happy to listen to others talk about their money issues/ideasI enjoy comparing notes - I find it healthy to discuss money with othersI don't mind talking about money but not specificsI'm always interested in learning new/better/helpful ideas about money - if we don't discuss how will we learn?I discount what most people say about money - everyone's frontingI only discuss money with my significant other or close friend/relativechoose any/all that applyFeel Free to make any comments about the subject of Money and financial decisions... thanks for your help!What questions or topic about money should I have brought up but didn't?